
Check coupons weekly for the ingredients

Always check your cabinets for on hand items to avoid over buying
Name brand ingredients are not brand items are the same thing
Substitute high fat ingredients for low fat to make your favorite recipe healthy!
Try adding to the recipes or taking out to put your own twist on it
Substitute applesauce for oil in a baking recipe to cut the fat
Keep your coupons in an organizer in the car…for those unscheduled stops at the grocery store
Always make a shopping list to avoid over buying
Keep a clean, dry sponge in your crisper and your produce will last twice as long!
Soften sugar with bread!  Stick a small piece of bread inside the sugar bag or container..let sit 6 hours..your sugar will be as fine and grainy as day 1!
Prevent browning on a fruit salad by drizzling a little lemon juice on it before you refrigerate!
Kids leave a open cereal box out again?  No problem!  Pour the cereal into a bowl..cover with papertowel and put in the microwave for 30 seconds..good as new!
Cinnamon Battered Dipped French Toast Fiesta Breakfast Casserole Breakfast Loaf Creme Brulee French Toast Spicy Breakfast Pizza
 66¢ Per Serving  43¢ Per Serving  84¢ Per Serving 90¢ Per Serving  81¢ Per Serving
 Italian Turkey Sliders  Chicken Salad with Grapes and Walnuts  Italian Cheese Sandwich  Pizza Roll Ups  Awesome Egg Salad
 $.45 Per Serving $1.51 Per Serving   82¢ Per Serving  55¢ Per Serving  70¢ Per Serving
Almost Lasagna Chicken Quesadillas  Bobby Flay’s Crunch Burger Easy Chicken and Potato Dinner   Pizza Joe’s
 $1.12 Per Serving 92¢ Per Serving $1.10 Per Serving $1.41 Per Serving  $1.20 Per Serving 
Awesome Spin Dip  Creamy Veggie Dip  Deviled Eggs  Hot and Saucy Cocktail Meatballs  Easy Pizzettes 
27¢ Per Serving  23¢ Per Serving 09¢ Per Serving  80¢ Per Serving 35¢ Per Serving
Soups and Salads    
Taco Soup Caesar Salad  Baked Potato Soup  Crispy Cobb Salad Chicken Noodle Soup 
$1.15 Per Serving  85¢ Per Serving 51¢ Per Serving 89¢ Per Serving $1.25 Per Serving 
Southwestern Stuffed Tomatos  Zucchini,  Tomato and Provolone Bake Cheddar Bacon Scalloped Potatos  Baked Cauliflower  Cajun Buttered Corn 
 $1.12 Per Serving 85¢ Per Serving 85 ¢ Per Serving 64 ¢ Per Serving 51 ¢ Per Serving
Rocky Road Brownies Warm Apple Crisp  Chocolate Cream Dessert  Peanut 
Butter Cup Cookies
Microwave Peanut Brittle 
91¢ Per Serving 57¢ Per Serving 60¢ Per Serving 20¢ Per Serving ¢ Per Serving